Tuesday, January 31, 2012

jeremy's readers journal #21

Dear Mrs. Zrihen
        I am currently reading the book “ Nelson Mandela, long walk to freedom” by Paddy Bouma. The genre is Autobiography, the characters are Nelson Mandela, his father, his mother, the fathers friend Chief Jongintaba, uncles son Justice, Oliver Tambo, his friend Walter Sisulu, and Evelyn mase. Setting is first in his house then uncles house then jail. The plot structure is in his house then going to his uncles house because dad died, then going to live in a dirty place before going to jail, then going to jail, then people wanted him to be freed. Conflict was that he went to jail. The tone is loud because he is saying that he doesn’t want to go to jail. The mood is sad. The theme was hot. The authors purpose was to inform about Nelson Mandela’s days. The authors perspective is objective because he accomplished going away from jail.  I rate this book a 4/5 because it didn’t really excite me or entertain me it just gave me lots of info of what he did. It didn’t keep me in the zone. I hope you understood the answers and what I was trying to say these questions

                Sincerely Jeremy kazieva

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

jeremy's readers journal # 21

                                          Jeremy’s Readers Journal number 21
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
          I am currently reading the book “Uncover the human body” by Luann Colombo. The genre is informational, the characters are none, its just talking about the human body, the setting is in the human body, the exposition is when the food goes down the throat, then it goes to the stomach to be digested then it absorbs all the water from the food from the large intestine then it comes out. The conflict is when the bone breaks it really is painful, character VS self. Nothing, the mood is hurtful when you break a bone or have a stomach -ache.  The theme is bloody, the moral is to always chew your food before you swallow, I think the author’s point of view is educated because he has been learning so much about the human body. The pattern of organization is chronological order because it’s telling about the human body from the mouth and lower. The author’s purpose in writing this book is to inform about the human body. The author is objective because he accomplished a story about the food going from the mouth to the digestive system. I hope you learned a lot in my rj. I rate this book a 5/5 because it had so much information.
          Sincerely Jeremy kazieva