Wednesday, December 7, 2011

jeremy's readers journal #15

Readers journal #15          12/7/11
 Dear Mrs. Zrihen
               I currently finished the book “the Spiderwick chronicles” by Tony Diterlizzi and Holly Black. This book is obviously a fantasy because that is what you said. The characters are the two twins, Jared and Simon, the older sister Mallory, and the mom Helen Grace. The Protagonist: Jared, Simon, Mallory, and Helen Grace (mom). The antagonist: scary creatures. It all started when the Grace family moved to a new house. From the outside the kids thought it was cool because it has an attic, and the house was huge. When the kids took their suitcases in the house, the walls were torn apart, the lamp on the ceiling looked like it was going to fall, and Jared heard something in the wall. When his sister and his brother came in the house their face was filled with disgust. Jared told them that he heard something in the walls. When they went to their rooms the floor was a mess, hidden in the dust of the floors was a little key to some room. As soon as Simon came in the room he was wondering why his brother was holding a strange key. Just as his sister came in the house after bringing in a jar of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches they went to search the walls for any hidden keyholes that would fit the key right. Simon found a little square-shaped elevator in the walls. His sister was wondering what that was. His sister said that, that elevator was too small for her and that one of the brothers will have to go. When the two brothers agreed that Jared would go he tried to fit in and he fit perfectly. As soon as the elevator started to move by the ropes his sister was pulling he kept on hearing the noise like a squirrel, (maybe that is what was making that noise) he thought. When the elevator stopped he found this room with a strange poem written on it “in a man’s torso you will find, my secret to all mankind, if false and true can be the same, you will soon know of my fame, up and up and up again, good luck dear friend”. He thought it meant that there is scary creatures outside. Just as he heard something in the darkness of the walls, he found some glasses, he put them on and was able to see the invisible creatures outside trying to get in the house!! He was wondering why that couldn’t come but then he realized that there is some kind of liquid on the grass forming a wall for the creatures not to come in, it only works for the humans to go through it. when the kids went to fight they won victory. I hope you enjoy reading this story.

            Sincerely Jeremy kazieva

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jeremy,
    you did an awesome job explaining the plot.
    but i have some questions...
    1. what characteristics of the charcters?
    2.what is the theme?
    3. do you have any simelarties with the characters?
    i think you should follow the rubric like for the theme, mood, and tone, because you missed some thing.

    sincereley, Noy Nahumi
