Tuesday, November 29, 2011

jeremys readers journal #14

Jeremy’s readers journal #14   11/29/11
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
        I am currently reading the book “dweeb” by Aaron Starmer. The book is fiction, the antagonist: none, the protagonist: Denton, Wendell, Eddie, Elijah, Bijay. The theme wasn’t really anything because it was talking about different people in different chapters. So far that I read was about when it was the first day of high school for Denton and he was started to get bullied. When it was time for gym class it was hard for Denton because he never played the games they play today in Florida than where he came from. When he came home from school he told his mom that it is too hard at high school, and his mom asked him how old would he rather be and he said that he rather be 43 years old so that he doesn’t have to go to school only easy work. The next person is Wendell who has an older brother named trend who has a girlfriend named Keisha. Wendell told him that he also wanted a girlfriend and his brother said that he has to wait 4 ½ years till he gets in collage to have one. When he came to school, since that whenever his friends ask him if he wanted to chat about cheat codes he always declined so this time they never even bothered to ask him and they don’t even bother to sit next to him on the bus. So he got so angry that when a girl kept kicking his seat he actually yelled at her and made her feel sad. Now the next person ids Eddie who always wakes up at 6:00 am to cut the grass and that his parents pay him $30 each. Then he dresses up for school at 7:28 and gets there at 7:40 am. As he was packing his backpack with his unfinished homework his dad caught him he turned him around. In only 20 years old he was already the fastest runner at his high school. when he came to class he was late so he got his first “detension”. 2nd to last comes Elijah, first he has a bunk and he was in school this time. When he came to school his friends told him to meet up at the playground to discuss their hangout sleep over. When his friends Tyler and Kelly asked what time he wants them to come, so he told them at 5:00 at Saturday. When he came to class people kept on kicking him so when he reached for his back he felt paper that said “kick me”. He had an injury that he left home early. And last but not least is Bijay who started his day by stepping off the bus and seeing the sigh saying “Mackers arrives April 15!!!” just looking at that made him say awesome!!. When he came in the school everyone was celebrating like crazy, jumping around yelling on the table and hanging “it’s time to celebrate” signs. When he found out who that was (he was the popular kid in school) . he felt weird that his school was celebrating about that. When he came home he felt exhausted
                                   sincerely your student jeremy kazieva

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jeremy,

    you did a good job on explaining the plot.
    but i have some questions...
    1.what is your rate of the book?
    2.did you enjoy reading it?
    3.would you recommend it to your friends?
    i thunk you should put the rate and your thought about the book.

    sincereley,Noy Nahumi
