Tuesday, February 7, 2012

jeremy's readers journal number 23

Dear Mrs. Zrihen I currently finished the book “play, Louis, play” by Frank Morrison. The genre is biography. The characters are Louis , mother Mayann, his grandma, his sister Beatrice, and his little horn. The setting is at the shop, and his house. The plot structure is his house, then trying to buy his first horn, then getting arrested, him begging to come out of jail, then him playing his first horn at home. The conflict is that he got arrested, character VS character. The tone was loud because of the trumpet. The mood was sad because he almost never got his horn. The theme was his horn. The moral is to never break into a shop without paying for it. the point of view is also sad. The pattern of organization is chronological order because it’s telling what he did and how he got his horn. The Authors purpose is to inform you bout a true story about a boy and his horn. The Authors perspective is objective because he accomplished something by buying his horn that he has always wanted.  I rate this book a 5/5 because it entertained me and it gave me the information I needed to know.

                                 Sincerely Jeremy kazieva

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