Tuesday, September 6, 2011

jeremy's readers journal 2

Dear Mrs. Zrihen
                  I just finished reading “Ghost Hunt” by Jason Hawes and grant Wilson. Apparently the book is made up of several different ghost stories. The genre of the book is fiction. the characters are Jason, Grant, Jen, Diana, and Mr. martin. the protagonist are Jason, Grant, Diana, Jen, and Diana. The antagonist are the ghosts. the setting is at the island and at home. the exposition is an island, then the rising action is a big storm, then the climax is finding a ghost from the storm, then the falling action is asking for help, then the resolution is leaving home. Also for the next chapter the exposition is at home, then the rising action is getting water,then the climax is finding a ghost , then the falling action is writing to ghost hunters, then the resolution is killing ghost. It's character vs supernatural.the plot is about kids getting scared about ghosts. the tone is good  and the mood is scary and tense because the boy is with a ghost. theme is ghosts. the moral is to never be alone in the dark always with a parent. the point of view is scared. the authors purpose is to inform that ghosts aren't real. reponse starters- i admire my book because it's about ghosts, i rate this book a 4/5 because it's too scary. One of the stories that I finished reading was about the 5 kids that go to an island to capture a ghost. As they were doing that two girls that were helping each other found another ghost that was staring at the girl from a dock. As the ghost was disappearing the girl wanted to yell for help but her throat choked. On that night it was so windy that everyone had to go back home. The last chapter was a bout a boy named Billy Turner, who had a ghost in his house. It all started when he went downstairs for water at midnight he thought he heard something so he went closer and closer and the closer he went the colder he got. When he ran down the stairs he ran into his best hiding spot he could find, he grabbed a flashlight and wrote to the ghost hunters that his house was haunted. When the ghost hunters read it, they were terrified themselves. So when they came to his house the used a special vacuum to suck the ghost in.

                                   SINCERELY YOUR STUDENT JEREMY KAZIEVA


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Jeramy, If you were either Jason Grant Diena or Jen what would you have done diffidently. What was the main thing that made this book scary for you. What would you do if there was ghost in your house.
    I think your reader journal was good. From what you wrote I might read this book also. I like the way you put another book that was also related to yours as part of your rj. But one mistake ypu did was that you keep saying then. Instead of always writing then. for example you wrote then the climax was finding the ghost from the storm then the falling action was asking for help then the resolution was leaving home. so instead of always saying then put a period.

  3. Dear Jeremy the book sounds excellent. what scared you the most about this book? how would you react if this came true to you? Also would you be Jason Grant or Jen ???
    i really like the readers journal especially
    that you picked a scary book. i like how u used good vocabulary looking forward to your next readers journal
    Nick Amaya
