Tuesday, September 13, 2011

readers journal 3

                                                 READERS JOURNAL # 3                         9/13/11
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
                 I am currently reading “The 39 clues” by Gordan Korman. The genre of the book is fiction because it tells about kids going all over the world to find them for the race. The characters are Dan, Amy Cahill, Mozart, Saladin, and Nellie. The protagonist are everyone, the antagonist is the Opponents. The setting is in a hotel, mozarts house, and Vienna. The exposition is at home, the rising action is going to a hotel, the climax is finding the first clue from Mozart’s music. So the Book so far is about 2 kids named Dan and Amy. In the morning Dan saw this race around the world to find the clues so when he came to dinner he asked his mom if he can go with Amy to find them, so she said yes but with a parents permission. When they were on a train to Vienna, Dan had problems finding a seat because the train was crowded with old people. Before they left the train a person was talking in Spanish and Dan couldn’t understand him, so he thought it was something bad so he made a run for it. When they got to their hotel, Dan and Amy went to look for a clue in a mysterious place, so they went to Mozart’s house and checked if whatever he did had a clue in it. When they read his music they found a clue. Also from that clue they read a book and realized that he had an older sister. When they came back to the hotel and ate lunch and thought about where the 2nd clue must be. (this story will continue when I read the whole book)

                               Sincerely your student Jeremy kazieva


  1. Dear Jeremy,
    i have questions for the blog...
    what is the 2 reading strategies you used before reading book?
    what is the subgenre?
    what is the tone?
    what is the mood?
    what is the point of view, the authors purpose?,and what is the moral?
    What is also the authors perspective?
    what was the rate?
    what was your favorite part about the book?
    you missed alot of stuff but i think you did good on it.
    -Noy Nahumi.

  2. Dear Jeremy,
    I have a some questions to ask you! So here i come!!
    What was the quote you choose in the story?
    What was the tone and mood?
    What was the theme?
    What was the author's purpose and perspective?
    If you had to give the book a rate what would it be?
    What was your favorite part?
    Is the book interesting?
    This book looks really interesting and i hope to read it in the future.
    Good job on your blog but next time try to answer this questions IN your RJ#4 and on!!
    P.S the book of the week was realistic fiction and not fiction.

  3. were are the setting?
    what was the conflict?
    what was the theme?
    what was your moral?
    what was the point of view?
    what was the authors porpuse?
    what were the figurative language?
    what was your favorite story?
    Did a story made you remember of you?

    hey this was by william araque
