Tuesday, September 27, 2011

readers journal number 5

JEREMYS READERS JOURNAL # 5               9/27/11
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
                   I am currently reading “Football Hero” by Tim Green. The genre is fiction. The setting is at car-pool, then at school, then at home. The protagonist is Ty, uncle Gus, Mike. Charlotte, thane, Aunt Virginia, and Poyer. The antagonist is the other team. It’s character VS character. The authors purpose is to entertain about a football game. The exposition: at car-pool, the rising action: the first game. So the story that I read so far is about a boy named Ty who came to school on the fist day late. Just as he took one out of the bus the coach yelled out in his face , Ty worriedly, tried to think of a lie. When the bus driver drove away the smoke filled Ty’s face. When coach puled Ty’s shirt into the class they started getting ready for gym. When coach said 5 more minutes Ty was  rushing to tie his shoes . when he was ready, he noticed that when he rushed he tied the laces together, (now it feels like a rope being tied into his leg). When he was running he tripped and coach thought that he did that on purpose so he made him do 20 push-ups for pretending to fool around. While he was tying his shoe again the team lined up and coach was picking who to be quarter back and offense. Just as  he was offense Ty caught the ball in the air and ran so fast that when other players were trying to get him he jumped over them, stopped to let them fall by , and spun around so it will be tricky, just as he did all of that he noticed white line, so he crossed it right when the player was 5 steps behind him and got his team a TOUCHDOWN!!!! So  he walked back home from school, and he found his Aunt Verginia standing in front of him. He wanted to know the problem ,so he realized that it was his birthday and that he was late to decorate. His Aunt was angry that he didn’t tell her where he really was, so as a punishment he had to clean the table with his toothbrush. The presents he got for his birthday was a football, and a football helmet, (that way he could practice at home.) When he came back from school he found his older brother Thane watching the stove because, it was the birthday cake, and watching his favorite show football. So far the main idea is Ty the boy proving to coach that he's really good in football.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy, your journal is very good but i have some questions for you.
    Is the book easy for you?
    Are you liking the book?
    In what page are you?
    What was your favorite part of the book?
