Tuesday, October 4, 2011

readers journal number 6

                                                  JEREMYS READERS JOURNAL #6               10/4/11
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
             I currently finished reading the book “Football Hero” by Tim Green. The exposition is at car-pool, the rising action is at the first game, the climax is grandpa saying “no” to ESPN interview with brother, then the falling action is in nasty house, then the resolution is winning the final game. So the rest of the story is about Ty and Uncle Gus going to Lucy’s restaurant and they see a lot of old people with their beers against the window. When Ty saw Lucy’s scar he tried not to look at it, so he asked Uncle Gus if he can do anything to help, so he got to wash the sink in the dirty bathroom. It was so dirty that he was thinking about his football being very dirty. So he went to Uncle Gus to ask if there is anything else to work on so he said to work on that first then I will give you something else. So when he was washing the sink he was thinking about his football being clean because he always get things done when he is thinking of something clean. So when he was clean he started to see silver because he was cleaning it super well. Just as Uncle Gus went to check up on him he saw that the sink was super silver. When Ty asked for a break he got to go to a restaurant and a phone call from his brother about a present that he will go with his brother to the interview by ESPN. When he asked Uncle Gus he said depending on your behavior. As they went back to the nasty house he had to finish his chores, which was to clean the table, and to vacuum the carpet. While he was doing that he got a text message that the final game was starting so he asked Uncle Gus if he could go play and he said ok. As soon as he came his team were losing so he had no choice but to run out there with his clothes that he is wearing already. So when the timer was counting down at 10 he ran so fast that no one was able to catch and TOUCHDOWN!!!! He won


  1. dear jeramy good job on your rj
    some questions for you.. If you were uncle gus and ty told you he cant see the people drinking beer what would you tell ty to do.
    were is the others purpose of writing this journal.
    I look forward to reading this book
    maor shaaltiel.

  2. Dear, jermey
    I have a few questions I want to ask you.
    What is the setting?
    What is the moral?
    What is the genre?
    What is the tone?
    What is the conflict?
    That’s all the questions I have for you.
    Your friend,
