Sunday, October 30, 2011

current event 1

Title: Will Steve Jobs' final vendetta haunt Google?
author: Michael Liedtke
source:  the miami herald
the topic of the article: Google hopes that steve jobs final vendetta doesn't haunt the internet search from his grave.  
the main idea of the article: There is money problems and competition with big competitive companies.
(implied/stated): implied
The author’s purpose for writing this article is to : inform about Steve Jobs and his ideas about Apple.
The author’s perspective in this article is objective/subjective (biased) because: He is not biased because he is just informing readers about the situation.
The pattern of organization of the article is: climactic
 The reason the author chose this pattern for the article is: because it's telling what happened from least important to most important
The text features included in the article are: the writting under the picture
  This article is about (a summary in your own words): it's about two rival companies, google which owns Android, and apple which owns the iphone. Steve jobs' believed that google stole many features from apples iphone which  they installed in their googles android phones. In 2006 apple and google were in very good relations, until in 2008 after the iphone came out, Google unveiled plans to release Android as a free software that any phone manufacturers can use to compete with the iphone. The iphone is still the most popular, but the android software are being activated by the hundreds of thousands each day. Jobs' said "i'm going to destroy Android because it's a stolen product."
Current Events JournalThe significance (importance) of this article is: the significance is it still remains to be seen whether jobs' words of wisdom or his grievances will leave a bigger imprint on google
What I learned from this article is: There is a big competition between Google and Apple
 What I liked about this article : Learning that there is an Android phone that is similar to the Apple phone. 
What I did not like about it : That there is conflict between two very great companies and always fights.
Who should read this article and why: My family because they love the apple phones and are always trying to find out something new about the iphone. My whole family has an iphone.
New vocabulary I learned: 
Word: Android
Meaning: A brand of software from Google

Saturday, October 29, 2011

readers journal #9

                                                READERS JOURNAL #9
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
          I am currently reading the book “Skeleton Creek” by Patrick Carmon. The plot structure finishes as climax: talking about ghosts, falling action: henry comes. When Ryan’s parents tell him that he can’t talk, email, or send text messages he does anyway without his parents looking. Like one time he sended an email about Henry coming and of how he is going to try to ask him about the dredge. When Henry was coming, Ryan was talking about how loud Henry is all the time when he is happy. He told the people of how Henry always wins in poker night. The next morning he called the “skeleton creek ranger station” and if he got caught he would say that it was just a prank. When the station called, somehow it thought that Sarah (his friend) put him up to this. When he was nervous enough not to say anything the place got so angry.  Just as his dad picked up the phone he heard that Ryan called the ranger station and that he did a prank call, so his dad said that he will have a serious talk with Ryan. Ryan got so scared that he was sweating. When his dad came in, he talked about the pranking the he has to stop. That night, when Sarah sended him another video of evidence of the house. When his parents came they warned him about his behavior before Henry came. When henry came and said hi to Ryan, Ryan asked him a couple of questions. When Henry got tired he went downstairs and ate.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

readers journal #8

                                      JEREMYS READERS JOURNAL #8                    10/25/11
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
         I am currently reading the book “Skeleton Creek” by Patrick Carmon. (this is the scariest book ever). The genre is mystery. The Authors purpose is to inform about a haunted house. The plot structure- exposition: hospital, the rising action: home. I am alike Ryan because he is scared of ghosts and I am scared of ghosts. I like this book because it’s about a haunted house. The Authors perspective is scared because of the ghosts in the haunted house. The book is about (so far) a boy named Ryan, and a girl named Sarah who try to prove to the whole “skeleton creek “ neighborhood that the house is haunted. It all started when Ryan was at the hospital because he broke his leg from running because he saw a ghost. When the nurse said that the doctor will be right with you, and not to try to sleep, he slept anyways because he felt unconscious about seeing the ghost. When he was dreaming he dreamt about being at home writing a lot of journals about what happened to him and about the house. When Sarah heard weird things about the house she decided to interview people and to show Ryan that the house is haunted. Just as Sarah went outside to capture each of the windows from the house she noticed that the one on top had this ghost that appeared and she got so scared that she ran away to Ryan’s house. When Ryan saw the video he still didn’t believe it because he thought it was from Youtube so he
BET that if he saw the ghost he owes Sarah $5. So when he went outside the next night with Sarah he didn’t see the ghost and Sarah was thinking that it doesn’t make any sense. As soon as he woke up in the hospital he realized that he was asleep for 55 hours. When he used the wheelchair to go to his parents he found out that he is not able to see Sarah anymore because he has been getting in trouble with her.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

readers journal #7

DEAR Mrs. Zrihen I am currently reading the book “Bat Boy” by Matthew McGough. The genre is a biography. The Authors purpose is to inform the readers about a baseball player. The plot structure is at a Yankees stadium, then at home then at school. i would like to add that my favorite character is matt, i am alike matt because he likes baseball and i like baseball, and yes i like the book. So far the book is about a boy named Matt that is obsessed with baseball, he has a poster of a baseball player Don Mattingly on his bedroom wall. His favorite baseball team is the Yankees. When he went to a baseball game his team was versing the Kansas City, Royals. Just as he he was winning 4-3, the 3 people behind him were the loudest people in the stadium (comparing to any other audience). When he saw the other team player come up, one of the people cursed and threw a beer bottle at the bottom of the audience and some of the drops went on Matt’s scoreboard (card). When the Kansas player made an illegal batting hit, so because of that the game was over and the Yankees have won! The next morning Matts mom put an article about the baseball game right in front of him. As soon as he was walking to school he saw a sign on the billboard that said “Boston Tonight At 7:05”. When he was watching the game he noticed a boy his age sitting on the bleachers dressed in pinstripes, and noticed that he was a Bat Boy. Just as  the game was over he found a discarded program and he tore out, and on the train ride home he started circling names that might be good for Bat Boy hiring. (this story will be continued when I have finished the book).

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

readers journal number 6

                                                  JEREMYS READERS JOURNAL #6               10/4/11
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
             I currently finished reading the book “Football Hero” by Tim Green. The exposition is at car-pool, the rising action is at the first game, the climax is grandpa saying “no” to ESPN interview with brother, then the falling action is in nasty house, then the resolution is winning the final game. So the rest of the story is about Ty and Uncle Gus going to Lucy’s restaurant and they see a lot of old people with their beers against the window. When Ty saw Lucy’s scar he tried not to look at it, so he asked Uncle Gus if he can do anything to help, so he got to wash the sink in the dirty bathroom. It was so dirty that he was thinking about his football being very dirty. So he went to Uncle Gus to ask if there is anything else to work on so he said to work on that first then I will give you something else. So when he was washing the sink he was thinking about his football being clean because he always get things done when he is thinking of something clean. So when he was clean he started to see silver because he was cleaning it super well. Just as Uncle Gus went to check up on him he saw that the sink was super silver. When Ty asked for a break he got to go to a restaurant and a phone call from his brother about a present that he will go with his brother to the interview by ESPN. When he asked Uncle Gus he said depending on your behavior. As they went back to the nasty house he had to finish his chores, which was to clean the table, and to vacuum the carpet. While he was doing that he got a text message that the final game was starting so he asked Uncle Gus if he could go play and he said ok. As soon as he came his team were losing so he had no choice but to run out there with his clothes that he is wearing already. So when the timer was counting down at 10 he ran so fast that no one was able to catch and TOUCHDOWN!!!! He won