Tuesday, October 11, 2011

readers journal #7

DEAR Mrs. Zrihen I am currently reading the book “Bat Boy” by Matthew McGough. The genre is a biography. The Authors purpose is to inform the readers about a baseball player. The plot structure is at a Yankees stadium, then at home then at school. i would like to add that my favorite character is matt, i am alike matt because he likes baseball and i like baseball, and yes i like the book. So far the book is about a boy named Matt that is obsessed with baseball, he has a poster of a baseball player Don Mattingly on his bedroom wall. His favorite baseball team is the Yankees. When he went to a baseball game his team was versing the Kansas City, Royals. Just as he he was winning 4-3, the 3 people behind him were the loudest people in the stadium (comparing to any other audience). When he saw the other team player come up, one of the people cursed and threw a beer bottle at the bottom of the audience and some of the drops went on Matt’s scoreboard (card). When the Kansas player made an illegal batting hit, so because of that the game was over and the Yankees have won! The next morning Matts mom put an article about the baseball game right in front of him. As soon as he was walking to school he saw a sign on the billboard that said “Boston Tonight At 7:05”. When he was watching the game he noticed a boy his age sitting on the bleachers dressed in pinstripes, and noticed that he was a Bat Boy. Just as  the game was over he found a discarded program and he tore out, and on the train ride home he started circling names that might be good for Bat Boy hiring. (this story will be continued when I have finished the book).


  1. Dear Jeremy,
    you missed alot of of things...
    who was your favorite character?
    who are you alike in the book?
    did you like the book?
    what was your authors perspective?
    what were your 10 pictionaries?

    -Noy Nahumi

  2. Hey Jeremy,
    Good job on your RJ!! I still have some questions for you though.
    Who was your favorite character?
    What was your favorite part?
    Is the story good so far?
    Anyways good job.
