Tuesday, October 25, 2011

readers journal #8

                                      JEREMYS READERS JOURNAL #8                    10/25/11
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
         I am currently reading the book “Skeleton Creek” by Patrick Carmon. (this is the scariest book ever). The genre is mystery. The Authors purpose is to inform about a haunted house. The plot structure- exposition: hospital, the rising action: home. I am alike Ryan because he is scared of ghosts and I am scared of ghosts. I like this book because it’s about a haunted house. The Authors perspective is scared because of the ghosts in the haunted house. The book is about (so far) a boy named Ryan, and a girl named Sarah who try to prove to the whole “skeleton creek “ neighborhood that the house is haunted. It all started when Ryan was at the hospital because he broke his leg from running because he saw a ghost. When the nurse said that the doctor will be right with you, and not to try to sleep, he slept anyways because he felt unconscious about seeing the ghost. When he was dreaming he dreamt about being at home writing a lot of journals about what happened to him and about the house. When Sarah heard weird things about the house she decided to interview people and to show Ryan that the house is haunted. Just as Sarah went outside to capture each of the windows from the house she noticed that the one on top had this ghost that appeared and she got so scared that she ran away to Ryan’s house. When Ryan saw the video he still didn’t believe it because he thought it was from Youtube so he
BET that if he saw the ghost he owes Sarah $5. So when he went outside the next night with Sarah he didn’t see the ghost and Sarah was thinking that it doesn’t make any sense. As soon as he woke up in the hospital he realized that he was asleep for 55 hours. When he used the wheelchair to go to his parents he found out that he is not able to see Sarah anymore because he has been getting in trouble with her.

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