Saturday, October 29, 2011

readers journal #9

                                                READERS JOURNAL #9
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
          I am currently reading the book “Skeleton Creek” by Patrick Carmon. The plot structure finishes as climax: talking about ghosts, falling action: henry comes. When Ryan’s parents tell him that he can’t talk, email, or send text messages he does anyway without his parents looking. Like one time he sended an email about Henry coming and of how he is going to try to ask him about the dredge. When Henry was coming, Ryan was talking about how loud Henry is all the time when he is happy. He told the people of how Henry always wins in poker night. The next morning he called the “skeleton creek ranger station” and if he got caught he would say that it was just a prank. When the station called, somehow it thought that Sarah (his friend) put him up to this. When he was nervous enough not to say anything the place got so angry.  Just as his dad picked up the phone he heard that Ryan called the ranger station and that he did a prank call, so his dad said that he will have a serious talk with Ryan. Ryan got so scared that he was sweating. When his dad came in, he talked about the pranking the he has to stop. That night, when Sarah sended him another video of evidence of the house. When his parents came they warned him about his behavior before Henry came. When henry came and said hi to Ryan, Ryan asked him a couple of questions. When Henry got tired he went downstairs and ate.

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