Tuesday, November 29, 2011

jeremys readers journal #14

Jeremy’s readers journal #14   11/29/11
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
        I am currently reading the book “dweeb” by Aaron Starmer. The book is fiction, the antagonist: none, the protagonist: Denton, Wendell, Eddie, Elijah, Bijay. The theme wasn’t really anything because it was talking about different people in different chapters. So far that I read was about when it was the first day of high school for Denton and he was started to get bullied. When it was time for gym class it was hard for Denton because he never played the games they play today in Florida than where he came from. When he came home from school he told his mom that it is too hard at high school, and his mom asked him how old would he rather be and he said that he rather be 43 years old so that he doesn’t have to go to school only easy work. The next person is Wendell who has an older brother named trend who has a girlfriend named Keisha. Wendell told him that he also wanted a girlfriend and his brother said that he has to wait 4 ½ years till he gets in collage to have one. When he came to school, since that whenever his friends ask him if he wanted to chat about cheat codes he always declined so this time they never even bothered to ask him and they don’t even bother to sit next to him on the bus. So he got so angry that when a girl kept kicking his seat he actually yelled at her and made her feel sad. Now the next person ids Eddie who always wakes up at 6:00 am to cut the grass and that his parents pay him $30 each. Then he dresses up for school at 7:28 and gets there at 7:40 am. As he was packing his backpack with his unfinished homework his dad caught him he turned him around. In only 20 years old he was already the fastest runner at his high school. when he came to class he was late so he got his first “detension”. 2nd to last comes Elijah, first he has a bunk and he was in school this time. When he came to school his friends told him to meet up at the playground to discuss their hangout sleep over. When his friends Tyler and Kelly asked what time he wants them to come, so he told them at 5:00 at Saturday. When he came to class people kept on kicking him so when he reached for his back he felt paper that said “kick me”. He had an injury that he left home early. And last but not least is Bijay who started his day by stepping off the bus and seeing the sigh saying “Mackers arrives April 15!!!” just looking at that made him say awesome!!. When he came in the school everyone was celebrating like crazy, jumping around yelling on the table and hanging “it’s time to celebrate” signs. When he found out who that was (he was the popular kid in school) . he felt weird that his school was celebrating about that. When he came home he felt exhausted
                                   sincerely your student jeremy kazieva

Thursday, November 24, 2011

readers journal # 13

                                                        JEREMYS READERAJOURNAL #13            11/24/11
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
             I am currently finishing the book “of beetles and angels a boys remarkable journey fro a refugee camp to Harvard” by Mawi Asgedom. So finishing on with the book when the family were in “Amerikha” they needed help, so, they called refugees to help them resettle in the U.S. many of his people had become refugees. When they found a house to stay in for a couple of days they had to buy, furniture, such as couches, t.v, and food. Also they needed to find a school for his sons to be educated in, and the parents had to find jobs to go in to be interviewed. So when the parents took the kids with them the dad told them to not make a sound because they needed that job, so just as they went to be interviewed so when they went home after the interview they were very happy and thy lived happy ever after

Monday, November 21, 2011

current event #2

Date: 11/21/11
Name: Jeremy Kazieva
Title:  A legacy of service: Three generations of pines family have served in millitary
Author: Perry Stien
 Source: the miami herald
The topic of the article is: Bolivar Perrez and the minefield bomb
The main idea of the article is: when Bolivar Perez almost getting his hands blown off when he tried to deactivate the minefield in world war 11
(implied/stated) : implied
The author’s purpose for writing this article is to: talk about a 92-years-old guy who almost died from a bomb
The author’s perspective in this article is objective/subjective (biased) because: objective
 The pattern of organization of the article is : chronological order
The reason the author chose this pattern for the article is : to explain what happened first the 2nd then 3rd 
 The text features included in the article are: subtitle
 . helps by 
helps by , and 
helps by 
This article is about (a summary in your own words) : is about a guy who almost got killed from a bomb then returning to the army after the hospital
Current Events JournalThe significance (importance) of this article is :the guy came back to the millitary
What I learned from this article is :a brave man should never give up in being in charge as a military counsilur
 What I liked about this article : he returned from the hospital
What I did not like about it : he almost got killed 
Who should read this article and why : i think my brother should read this because it will teach him about what dangerous things goes on in the army
This article reminds me of (text-to-self) : the time i played a wii game about the army
 (text-to-world)  New vocabulary I learned
Word: infantrymen
Context Clues : army
1.a soldier in the infantry

Thursday, November 17, 2011

jeremy readers journal # 12

                                                            JEREMYS READERS JOURNAL #12         11/17/11
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
               I am currently reading the book “Of beetles and angles, a boys remarkable journey from a refugee camp to Harvard” by Mawi Asgedom. This book is a memoir. The plot structure so far is, exposition: refugee camp, then rising action: going to the place they call it “Amerikha”. The people are Mulu, Tsege, Haileab, Selamawi, Mehret, and Tewolde. So far what I read was about a boy named Mulu who lived in Eritrea, and Ethiopia, wo both fought a deadly civil war from 1961-1991. Eritrea became an independent nation in 1993. He remembers the desert, the shrieking hyenas, and he remembers playing soccer with rocks and a strange man telling him and his brother to go on a trip with him, tewolde, mulus brother refused to go on the trip so the man had to take out a piece of gum and tewolde came along. During their trip they felt so exhausted, so they took a break at the only place they could, the man said “take a long break, because we will never take another break again”. When they continued the man warned the kids not to go back because there are strangers that could take them away. When tewolde tried to se if that was true he turned around and some guy took the kids back to village. When tewolde and mulus parents were reading a book about “Amerikha” and wanted to go there so they told their kids that they are going to “Amerikha” because they have cars, food, drnks, houses, and lots of money that grow on trees as in “lots of money”. So the kids agreed, but some people told them not to and some people told them to go live their lives, and the people that didn’t want them to go told them that there are thieves that steal their money. So the parents went along anyway. (this journal will finish when I finish my book) Jeremy kazieva

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

readers journal #11

                                                      READERS JOURNAL #11                                11/8/11
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
          I am currently reading the book “more short & shivery” by Robert D. SAN SOUCI. I know that this is a short story because this book has lots of different stories in it. The people in the stories are Tabb, man in white, witches, Don Pedro, Dona Inez, Dona Teresa, Jubal Lescot, Albertine Lescot, mother, father, the duppy(ghost). This story started when there was a kid named Tabb who lived with these farmers right near an old house. When he was helping to plant the seeds he went to the old house to see what was there, when he went there he found a fire place and a couch right near it. when it began to be cold outside he went to the house and lit the fire place and sat right next to it, he was thinking what fools to be living in a cold place when he has a fireplace. Just as he finished bragging, he found a white dressed man hanging in the ceiling and suddenly it landed right on top of him and they were fighting. When the farmers heard the fight they came to the house and watched as the fight took itself on the roof. Just as the boy was about to run away Tabb caught him and the white dressed man threw him in the air and Tabb and the boy was never seen again.
                             The second story that I read was about the witches eyes. One day when the family was having a regular diner, right at 12:00 am the to lady’s wanted everyone to go home because at midnight they turn to cats. When Don Pedro asked why he had to leave the lady’s wanted him to just go before he dies. When he went home he was watching what was going on at their house so he took a peek and saw that they were cats. He went to their house and checked out what was going on and he ran away because he was scared that he saw that scary looking cats. When the lady’s got complaints they were annoyed so they moved somewhere else and was never found again.
                          The third story that I read was about a kid named Jubal and that he wanted to know that if there is any freaky ghost in their island so he heard about the Duppy. The duppy is a ghost that lives in a grave and comes out at sunrise. When he did not belive it he went to check by himself so he went and their it was floating right behind him. he needed help so he ran to his house for help so he ran and the ghost was also never found again.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

readers journal #10

Dear Mrs. Zrihen
                   I am currently reading the book “Skeleton Creek” by Patrick Carman. So far I read that he was trying to send an email to Sarah, but he was afraid that his parents might be watching. So, the next day he was trying to write the letter on the paper, but he felt that his dad and Henry were coming. When Henry was coming upstairs to give him the yummy sandwich he made, he was trying to hide somewhere so Henry wouldn’t know about chatting with Sarah, so he got so scared and worried because he was holding the book in his hand. When Henry found him, he felt better because Henry never noticed the book in his hand, so when he went back to his room he was going to play cards with him after his lunch until he found something off the computer and scanned it and taped it in his book. Just as he got so excited about playing cards he fell on the stairs and his face landed on his dads fish smelling shirt, when he was O.K he saw that the pictures were wobbling and fell on one another (luckily it was O.K). When he was walking outside to his porch he heard screeching on the floorboard because of his cast. When he was laying down he was looking for signs of dr. pepper cans or Sarah. When his dad came out he asked how long he has to wear the cast for 7 weeks, and he told him that Henry is very good at playing cards. When he was done helping his mom with fixing the bottom of the sink he got a warm cheesy sandwich. He felt like he wasn’t in his room today because he was sitting on the porch playing cards. So when he checked on his computer without his parents realizing he checked it really quickly and read that she will be going to the dredge tonight and find out more things.