Thursday, November 17, 2011

jeremy readers journal # 12

                                                            JEREMYS READERS JOURNAL #12         11/17/11
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
               I am currently reading the book “Of beetles and angles, a boys remarkable journey from a refugee camp to Harvard” by Mawi Asgedom. This book is a memoir. The plot structure so far is, exposition: refugee camp, then rising action: going to the place they call it “Amerikha”. The people are Mulu, Tsege, Haileab, Selamawi, Mehret, and Tewolde. So far what I read was about a boy named Mulu who lived in Eritrea, and Ethiopia, wo both fought a deadly civil war from 1961-1991. Eritrea became an independent nation in 1993. He remembers the desert, the shrieking hyenas, and he remembers playing soccer with rocks and a strange man telling him and his brother to go on a trip with him, tewolde, mulus brother refused to go on the trip so the man had to take out a piece of gum and tewolde came along. During their trip they felt so exhausted, so they took a break at the only place they could, the man said “take a long break, because we will never take another break again”. When they continued the man warned the kids not to go back because there are strangers that could take them away. When tewolde tried to se if that was true he turned around and some guy took the kids back to village. When tewolde and mulus parents were reading a book about “Amerikha” and wanted to go there so they told their kids that they are going to “Amerikha” because they have cars, food, drnks, houses, and lots of money that grow on trees as in “lots of money”. So the kids agreed, but some people told them not to and some people told them to go live their lives, and the people that didn’t want them to go told them that there are thieves that steal their money. So the parents went along anyway. (this journal will finish when I finish my book) Jeremy kazieva

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jeremy,

    you did a good job on listing the characters.
    but i have some questions...
    1.would your recommend this book to your friends?
    2.what would your rate this book?
    3.what were your 6 reading strategies?
    i think you should include in your rj the 6 reading strategies

