Tuesday, November 8, 2011

readers journal #11

                                                      READERS JOURNAL #11                                11/8/11
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
          I am currently reading the book “more short & shivery” by Robert D. SAN SOUCI. I know that this is a short story because this book has lots of different stories in it. The people in the stories are Tabb, man in white, witches, Don Pedro, Dona Inez, Dona Teresa, Jubal Lescot, Albertine Lescot, mother, father, the duppy(ghost). This story started when there was a kid named Tabb who lived with these farmers right near an old house. When he was helping to plant the seeds he went to the old house to see what was there, when he went there he found a fire place and a couch right near it. when it began to be cold outside he went to the house and lit the fire place and sat right next to it, he was thinking what fools to be living in a cold place when he has a fireplace. Just as he finished bragging, he found a white dressed man hanging in the ceiling and suddenly it landed right on top of him and they were fighting. When the farmers heard the fight they came to the house and watched as the fight took itself on the roof. Just as the boy was about to run away Tabb caught him and the white dressed man threw him in the air and Tabb and the boy was never seen again.
                             The second story that I read was about the witches eyes. One day when the family was having a regular diner, right at 12:00 am the to lady’s wanted everyone to go home because at midnight they turn to cats. When Don Pedro asked why he had to leave the lady’s wanted him to just go before he dies. When he went home he was watching what was going on at their house so he took a peek and saw that they were cats. He went to their house and checked out what was going on and he ran away because he was scared that he saw that scary looking cats. When the lady’s got complaints they were annoyed so they moved somewhere else and was never found again.
                          The third story that I read was about a kid named Jubal and that he wanted to know that if there is any freaky ghost in their island so he heard about the Duppy. The duppy is a ghost that lives in a grave and comes out at sunrise. When he did not belive it he went to check by himself so he went and their it was floating right behind him. he needed help so he ran to his house for help so he ran and the ghost was also never found again.


  1. Dear Jeremy,
    What I didn't like about your rj is that you didn't use the rubric or did you? Anyways I have allot of questions to ask you.
    1.What were the figurative languages?
    2.What were the 6 strategies?
    3.Which story was your favorite so far?
    Well thats it, because were are only to ask 3 questions. Thank you and hoping to see your responded very soon.
    Sarah Asseraf

  2. Dear Jeremy,

    I liked your rj but i felt like it was the same thing over and over

    What is a prediction you would make about your favorite short story?

    How many short storyes are in your book?

    What is your favorite figurative language?

    Sincerly William Araque

  3. Dear Jeremy,

    you did a good job on listing the characters.
    but i have some questions...
    1.would your recommend this book to your friends?
    2.what would your rate this book?
    3.what were your 6 reading strategies?
    i think you should include in your rj the 6 reading strategies

    Noy Nahumi

  4. Nevermind this is supposed to got to rj 12
