Monday, November 21, 2011

current event #2

Date: 11/21/11
Name: Jeremy Kazieva
Title:  A legacy of service: Three generations of pines family have served in millitary
Author: Perry Stien
 Source: the miami herald
The topic of the article is: Bolivar Perrez and the minefield bomb
The main idea of the article is: when Bolivar Perez almost getting his hands blown off when he tried to deactivate the minefield in world war 11
(implied/stated) : implied
The author’s purpose for writing this article is to: talk about a 92-years-old guy who almost died from a bomb
The author’s perspective in this article is objective/subjective (biased) because: objective
 The pattern of organization of the article is : chronological order
The reason the author chose this pattern for the article is : to explain what happened first the 2nd then 3rd 
 The text features included in the article are: subtitle
 . helps by 
helps by , and 
helps by 
This article is about (a summary in your own words) : is about a guy who almost got killed from a bomb then returning to the army after the hospital
Current Events JournalThe significance (importance) of this article is :the guy came back to the millitary
What I learned from this article is :a brave man should never give up in being in charge as a military counsilur
 What I liked about this article : he returned from the hospital
What I did not like about it : he almost got killed 
Who should read this article and why : i think my brother should read this because it will teach him about what dangerous things goes on in the army
This article reminds me of (text-to-self) : the time i played a wii game about the army
 (text-to-world)  New vocabulary I learned
Word: infantrymen
Context Clues : army
1.a soldier in the infantry

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