Thursday, November 24, 2011

readers journal # 13

                                                        JEREMYS READERAJOURNAL #13            11/24/11
Dear Mrs. Zrihen
             I am currently finishing the book “of beetles and angels a boys remarkable journey fro a refugee camp to Harvard” by Mawi Asgedom. So finishing on with the book when the family were in “Amerikha” they needed help, so, they called refugees to help them resettle in the U.S. many of his people had become refugees. When they found a house to stay in for a couple of days they had to buy, furniture, such as couches, t.v, and food. Also they needed to find a school for his sons to be educated in, and the parents had to find jobs to go in to be interviewed. So when the parents took the kids with them the dad told them to not make a sound because they needed that job, so just as they went to be interviewed so when they went home after the interview they were very happy and thy lived happy ever after


  1. Dear Jeremy,

    you did a good job on explaining the plot.
    but i have some questions...
    1.what are the characters names?
    2.what is the theme?
    3.what are the 6 strategies you used (before,during,after)
    I think you should do you RJ by your rubric because you missed many things like the characters, setting, theme, P.O.V,AND P.O.O.
    im looking forward to your response.

    Noy Nahumi

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear NOy I did all of those questions in number 12 I finished the book. this journal was the last part of the book
