Tuesday, November 1, 2011

readers journal #10

Dear Mrs. Zrihen
                   I am currently reading the book “Skeleton Creek” by Patrick Carman. So far I read that he was trying to send an email to Sarah, but he was afraid that his parents might be watching. So, the next day he was trying to write the letter on the paper, but he felt that his dad and Henry were coming. When Henry was coming upstairs to give him the yummy sandwich he made, he was trying to hide somewhere so Henry wouldn’t know about chatting with Sarah, so he got so scared and worried because he was holding the book in his hand. When Henry found him, he felt better because Henry never noticed the book in his hand, so when he went back to his room he was going to play cards with him after his lunch until he found something off the computer and scanned it and taped it in his book. Just as he got so excited about playing cards he fell on the stairs and his face landed on his dads fish smelling shirt, when he was O.K he saw that the pictures were wobbling and fell on one another (luckily it was O.K). When he was walking outside to his porch he heard screeching on the floorboard because of his cast. When he was laying down he was looking for signs of dr. pepper cans or Sarah. When his dad came out he asked how long he has to wear the cast for 7 weeks, and he told him that Henry is very good at playing cards. When he was done helping his mom with fixing the bottom of the sink he got a warm cheesy sandwich. He felt like he wasn’t in his room today because he was sitting on the porch playing cards. So when he checked on his computer without his parents realizing he checked it really quickly and read that she will be going to the dredge tonight and find out more things. 

1 comment:

  1. Good evening Jeremy,
    Thanks for commenting on my journal,I would like to answer your questions.

    #1:Me and the detective are alike because we both like to discover new things.

    #2:My favorite character is the detective because he has the most interesting parts of the book.

    3#:I like everybody except the serial killer because he is preying on innocent people.
